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Are you looking for a natural and sustainable alternative to disposable diapers?

The abundance of information on the web makes you unsure and you want to get the necessary knowledge about cloth diapers in a compact and manageable way?

As a trained cloth diaper consultant / specialist for natural and sustainable diapering and the experience with two own cloth diaper children, I can answer all your questions about diapering with cloth diapers and support you in the various situations in the cloth diaper everyday life.


I advise you independently of brands and my extensive range of assortment includes a variety of cloth diapers of different systems, manufacturers as well as materials and accessories.

After a cloth diaper consultation you have the opportunity to rent cloth diapers from my assortement and can thus test without obligation in everyday life, whether cloth diapers per se and if so which system and which diaper suits you and your child best.  During the rental period and beyond, I am your contact person for questions and problems.

My offer for cloth diapers for you

What customers say

Kundenfeedback Stoffwindeberatung

"Thank you for the super interesting workshop on cloth diapers, which definitely shed light on the jungle of different systems and gave us courage to give this diapering option a chance. We now want to use a rental package to try out whether cloth diapers can be a good addition to the "disposable diapers" for us. The workshop is highly recommended.”

Sophie (Osteopathy Practice Spreekind, 1st child)

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